June 10th

The Sacred Heart Among the Apostles
by Rev. R.F. Clarke, S.J.

If our Blessed Lord poured forth the treasures of His Sacred Heart upon all among whom He dwelt, His twelve Apostles received a share corresponding to the place of privilege that they occupied. In the prayer He offered to His Eternal Father before His Passion they occupy a special place: "Holy Father, keep them in Thy name, for Thou hast given them Me; that they may be one even as We are one." The Sacred Heart yearned over them. I, too, am bound to Christ by the wonderful graces He has given me. He means me, too, in my sphere to be an Apostle of His Sacred Heart. What a happiness for me, and what a claim on His love!

We observe, too, our Lord's exceeding patience with the Apostles. They were selfish, narrow, perverse, incredulous. Yet how He forbore with them! With what unspeakable gentleness He put up with all their faults! Never a harsh word or angry look. I must try and copy the Sacred Heart in this, when others try my temper by their perverseness or their dulness. I must be gentle with them for Jesus' sake.

The Apostles enjoyed the inestimable privilege of being for three years the constant companions of Jesus. Yet at the Last Supper He speaks as if He were indebted to them for their society: "Ye are they that have continued with Me in My temptations, and I dispose to you, as My Father disposed to me, a Kingdom." So Christ our Lord will one day thank us for our poor services, and treat us as if He were indebted to us. Christ my debtor for His love to me! Yet it is a fact of the Divine love.

Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

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